Enabling Languages

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View more Business wales logo
Business Wales, part of the Welsh Government, offers information, advice and guidance to new and existing businesses. LinguaSkin enables content on the Marketing Zone and IT Zone sites to be maintained and published bilingually in Welsh and English.

Application: Marketing Zone / IT Zone

LinguaSkin customer endorsement
LinguaSkin is the missing link; we can give our customers what they want and its helping us deliver our bilingual policy.
LinguaSkin customer endorsement
View more Anglesey Logo
Anglesey uses Orchard Housing, a third-party online system for managing social housing which includes a self-service portal. LinguaSkin improved the user experience and enabled the Council to be compliant with Regulations by enabling this portal to operate bilingually.

Application: Leisure

LinguaSkin customer endorsement
The product is unique. I’m not aware of anything else that works in quite this manner.
LinguaSkin customer endorsement
View more Estnet Logo
The ESTnet is the network for the electronic and software technologies industry in Wales. Its website is its shop window to the world. LinguaSkin provides the ability to make areas of the website multilingual as required and increases exposure for ESTnet members.

Application: Website

LinguaSkin customer endorsement
We've 100’s of customers, though mainly in English speaking markets. LinguaSkin opens up the rest of the world to us.
LinguaSkin customer endorsement
View more Coleg Cymraeg Logo
The Coleg works with universities across Wales to develop Welsh language medium opportunities for students. It uses CIPHR, a HR package providing an online self-service portal for all members of staff. LinguaSkin made it entirely available both in English and Welsh.

Application: CIPHR (HR)

LinguaSkin customer endorsement
It was quite remarkable how comprehensively the site was transformed. It did exactly what Interceptor Solutions said it would do.
LinguaSkin customer endorsement
Swansea Council
Swansea Council provides an online portal for citizens to review and comment on planning applications used the Public Access portal from Idox. LinguaSkin enables this application to be fully English/Welsh bilingual for the user to switch between languages.

Application: Idox (Planning)

The CIPHR HR system provides an employee with the ability to maintain their HR records include leave booking, staff directory and reporting. LinguaSkin enhances CIPHR to provide a fully bilingual interface, meeting employee language needs and helping with compliance.

Application: CIPHR (HR)

Gwynedd Council
Gwynedd Council developed an in -house application for language charter management for schools. Initially developed as a monolingual Welsh application, LinguaSkin extends Siarter Iaith to also work in English so that it can be used bilingually by other Councils in Wales.

Application: Siarter Iaith

LinguaSkin customer endorsement
LinguaSkin has given us another option when implementing third-party systems. We won’t have to wait while bilingual capability is being developed.
LinguaSkin customer endorsement
Anglesey Logo
The CAP2 CoursePro system is used by Anglesey Council for swimming course management and offers a citizen-facing portal. LinguaSkin has created a bilingual (English/Welsh) interface to enable users to access the system in their preferred language.

Application: Leisure

LinguaSkin customer endorsement
The potential of LinguaSkin for an organisation with visitors from all over the world is very exciting.
LinguaSkin customer endorsement
The Council uses Public Access from Idox Software to provide a public portal for a range of licensing management capabilities. LinguaSkin has not only provided a switchable bilingual English/Welsh capability, but also enables Newport to add further languages with minimal hassle.

Application: Idox (Licensing)

LinguaSkin customer endorsement
I didn’t need to get involved in the technical aspects, LinguaSkin took care of everything working with our web team.
LinguaSkin customer endorsement
The Public Access portal from Idox Software is used by Torfaen for both building control and planning application review/comments. LinguaSkin has enabled the Council to meet regulatory requirements by providing this online service bilingually without needing to change the Idox system.

Application: Idox (Planning, Building Control)

The Arts Council of Wales is a Welsh Government sponsored body, responsible for the funding and development of the arts. LinguaSkin provides a bilingual switchable interface to their Cascade HR self-service system ensuring that all staff can use their preferred language.

Application: Casacde HR (HR)

Pembrokeshire Council
The Northgate Choice Based Lettings (CBL) system is used by Pembrokeshire County Council to provide citizens with the ability to view and manage the letting of housing. LinguaSkin enhances this system with a Welsh interface, so that the Council meets language standards.

Application: Northgate (Lettings & Benefits)

LinguaSkin customer endorsement
Even though it’s fully bilingual, there’s just one site to manage and it’s not going to give me a load more work to do. It's brilliant.
LinguaSkin customer endorsement
Anglesey Logo
Schoolcomms provides the ability for parents to pay for school meals and provides other means to communicate with schools. LinguaSkin enabled Anglesey to offer this capability bilingually to both satisfy customer demand be compliant with language standards.

Application: Leisure

National Library of Wales
The National Library of Wales is a Welsh Government sponsored body and the national legal deposit library of Wales. Internally they use a third party software solution for video assets. LinguaSkin has enabled a switchable bilingual interface for this application.

Application: Imagen

Parentpay is used by a number of Local Authorities in Wales to enable parents to manage payments for school dinners and other services. LinguaSkin is deployed as part of the ParentPay cloud solution, providing all their customers with a bilingual interface.

Application: Parent Pay (Online Payment)

LinguaSkin customer endorsement
We just didn’t have the funds to make the website bilingual before, but LinguaSkin has made that possible for us.
LinguaSkin customer endorsement

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