Enabling Languages

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LinguaSkin works with any language and combination of languages to create a switchable multilingual interface for web applications and sites. We reach all corners of the world, either working directly on international projects or through Value Add Resellers (VARs) in specific regions/countries. We also have a special focus on specific markets where we engage more directly with language strategy and with specific language/region aligned capabilities

Our home market, and where we have a deep and long term engagement with all things to do with bilingual applications. From working with Microsoft to create the first set of Welsh Language Packs for Windows & Office, our To Bach keyboard utility to editing and contributing to the Bilingual Website & Software Guidelines from the Welsh Language Commissioner. We’re now working with dozens of organisations across Wales and the UK to ensure fully bilingual online capabilities through the use of LinguaSkin.

We’re leading on the Bilingual Online Services initiative to facilitate the definition and sharing of best practice as well as helping to establish a Language Capability Cluster for Wales to improve the definition, identification and collaboration amongst the organisations from the private, academic and public sectors that have enabled Wales to become a global leader in language technology, education, strategy, policy and legislative processes and bodies.


We’ve a lot more than rugby and celtic culture in common with our Irish cousins. Ireland has strong cultural and legislative drivers for a fully bilingual society much the same as Wales. Though the Irish language enjoys great support from many vendors with language packs, there’s many other situations where LinguaSkin is ideal for creating a comprehensive switchable bilingual interface. We work directly with customers in Ireland, but are also keen to establish relationships with delivery partners. So, whether you need to deliver bilingual services or want to work with us to slash the cost, effort and complexity in making Ireland bilingual, get in touch.


Our focus on Spain is not only driven by the wonderful climate, food and hospitality. With four official languages (and seven legally-recognised), there’s great demand for multilingual online services. A challenge? Not with LinguaSkin. Whatever the base and target language, and irrespective of the number of languages to be delivered, LinguaSkin takes care of the technical side of things. Whether it’s your application, a third party, SaaS and whatever technology, LinguaSkin does it in minimal time and with minimal effort. So, Castilian Spanish, Basque, Catalan, Gallician/Valencian, Occitan/Aranese, Asturian or Aragonese it’s all good. As with other regions, we’re looking for delivery partners, but only so long as we still get to visit to enjoy the sun!

European Union

Though Wales, Ireland and Spain have developed as our early markets, we work across the EU with all manner of combinations of minority and official languages. Working with organisations such as the NPLD, and engaging with initiatives such as the Digital Single Market (not surprisingly, language is a key requirement there!), we’re always happy to work with customers and partners in all corners of the EU. And Brussels – host to an organisation with 24 official languages (and counting) with Belgium itself having tremendous language diversity. We like Europe.

Language Commissioners

With extensive experience in multilingual software capabilities, particularly in bilingual and minority language environments, we have a strong proposition for governments, language commissioners and other language bodies. Contact us to find out how we can help with promotion, education, policy, strategy and solutions to ensure provision for your language in a digital age.

Market Development

Contact us to find out more about these activities, or to discuss how we can partner and get more deeply engaged in your market/region.

© Interceptor Solutions Ltd 2024, LinguaSkin®. Interceptor Solutions®, LinguaSkin®and the logo are registered trademarks of Interceptor Solutions Ltd.